Saturday, June 20, 2015

How to Become a Drop Shipper...
Drop shipping is a product delivery method in which a seller accepts payment for an order, but the customer receives the product directly from the manufacturer. The seller's profit in the transaction is the difference between the wholesale and retail price of the items sold. This process offers advantages to both retailer and manufacturer, but it's not appropriate for every seller or product.

Delivery Method:

This delivery method is commonly used by smaller retail shops, Internet-only stores, and those who primarily use catalogs for sales. These stores' customers don't always expect to walk out of a physical store with their purchases, and so accept a slight delay between ordering and receiving the product. Stores that do have a brick and mortar component often display representative items on their shelves so that consumers can see and feel them before buying, but the actual products are sitting in a factory's warehouse. Sellers on Internet auction sites also commonly drop ship, running auctions for items they don't physically have and then drop shipping them from the manufacturer to the highest bidder. Saving time and money as a seller and helping the small business that doesn't know how to sell online to get buyers.

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